Information Technology Blog

Your Business - Accelerated

Advance your small business’s IT and cybersecurity strategic plan with powerful insights, industry news, trends, best practices and more.

Don’t Let Surprise IT Expenses Stall Your Business

As a small business, you need to make the most out of a limited budget. If there’s one thing that can easily put a major dent in it, it’s surprise information technology expenses.  While you can’t prevent employees from accidentally breaking their laptops, hard drives from becoming corrupted,

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The Impact of Shadow IT on Cybersecurity

Organizations of all sizes have been forced to make cybersecurity one of their top priorities because the alternative is a costly data breach. What the same

Password best practices that safeguard your company's sensitive information

12 Password Best Practices

Implement strategies that effectively educate your staff on password best practices to safeguard your company’s sensitive information.

Why most businesses would rather work with a local MSP vs. out-of-state MSPs

Benefits of Working with a Local MSP

Working with local, Minneapolis or Washington DC companies: Why most businesses would rather work with a local MSP vs. out-of-state MSPs.