Teal Receives High NPS Score from Clients

We just concluded our first Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey of 2024, and the results speak volumes. Here’s what Teal clients think of our obsessive Managed IT Services. 

NPS Word Cloud

Teal’s Customer Satisfaction Results Are In!

A company’s NPS score can be a number from -100 to +100. Teal clients gave us a high score of +67. Here’s a sampling of what they enjoy about our services:

“We enjoy the plethora of services Teal offers and the support and ease in contacting Reid, Drew, and Sharon. At a moment's notice, Teal is available to help us resolve any issues that might arise and answer any questions that we might have.”
  • “Professional, capable, and responsive service.”
  • “Quick response time and knowledge of your team.”
  • “Employees are knowledgeable and helpful. If they are unsure of how to help, they will find the right person to get the job done.”
  • “Prompt and friendly service.”
  • “The attention of detail to our needs and understanding.”

We’d like to t
hank every client who took the time to share their thoughts about our services!

How Teal Measures its Obsessive Service

Everyone at Teal is committed to providing our clients with white glove service delivery to accelerate their competitive advantage and keep their mission successful.

We call this our obsessive service promise. But how do we measure it?

Excellence Demonstrated Through NPS Scores

Every six months, our marketing team asks our clients to rate Teal’s performance on a scale of 0-10. Once we have all the responses, we segment each company into one of three groups, based on the rating:

  • Promoters (9 or 10 rating)
  • Passives (7 or 8 rating) 
  • Detractors (0 through 6 rating)

Then, we calculate our score using this formula:

NPS= % of Promoters — % of Detractors

This score is compared to industry benchmarks (pictured below) and other metrics to determine if we’re living up to our promise.

NPS Statistics

As you can see, Teal is well above a “good NPS score” for its industries.

“Our +67 NPS score combined with our 95%+ CSAT score is fantastic, and strong evidence of our team’s focus on obsessive service.” said Gar Whaley, Teal CRO and Cofounder.

Any feedback clients share with us shows what our strengths and areas for improvement are – so we can adjust as needed.

While we only perform an NPS twice a year, we have a variety of processes in place to evaluate our performance daily – including a proactive quality assurance process. Obsessive service requires continual evaluation and adaptation, at all levels.

“Can we stop the obsession with excellent service? No, never,” said Don Sauer, Teal CEO and Cofounder. “We have to keep earning it every day.”

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